MOZ N.0195
- 28 July 2011
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- Gruppo IDV Lombardia
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Emergenza rifiuti in Campania.
Emergenza rifiuti in Campania.
Thank you for this nice article on wikis. I coetpmlely share your expectations.If you are interested in the power of law wikis, please also take a look at .This German wiki includes, i.a.* over 1500 content pages* automatic references to law articles* automatic references of decisionsAs an example page see:Best regards, Martin Meggle-Freund
I like this a lot. I’ve toyed with a similar idea but since I’m on winwods ATM I just did not know how to do it (bare using vmware and eating up huge amounts of memory that I just don’t have).Really looking forward to the beta.
I need to buy a new laptop anaywy, and this training is just another reason to do it sooner then later. I wondered if you or someone else could suggest a laptop that meets the training requirements AND was portable (not 8 lbs!). A dell would be ideal.